The Association française de Résonance Paramagnétique Electronique (ARPE) is a scientific association committed to the widespread application of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). Its primary aims are:
- To promote the development of the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) in France
- To participate in the organisation of EPR training activities such as schools, workshops, seminars…
- To contribute in the development of differents areas of EPR applications
- To promote and facilitate technical and scientific cooperation
- To represent the EPR nationally and internationally
Since its creation in 2004, this association held an annual scientific meeting about EPR. The annual scientific meeting celebrated in Autrans in 2013 provided the opportunity for envisaging the creation of a technical network called Technic’ARPE.
Technic’ARPE aims to bring together, at national level, all the technical expertises about EPR and to create a place for exchanges and discussions focused on experimental problems. The implementation of this network entails the creation of:
- a mailing list
- a “technic’ARPE” tab in the ARPE website
- a database of spectra, just like in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
- a half-day discussion of special focus on technical aspects joined to the annual scientific meeting
The first Technic’ARPE half-day meeting will take place in Paris on Tuesday 21 March during the ARPE scientific annual meeting which will take place on Wednesday 22 March (École Chimie-ParisTech. 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 5ème).
I am participating in these two meetings (scientific and technical) in order to establish new collaborations with EPR experts.
You can also download the Technic’ARPE half-day meeting schedule and the ARPE scientific annual meeting schedule.